Hi, I'm Louison Gitzinger
Enthusiast problem solver, curious and passionate about music, with research and full stack experiences.
Stepping into a new melody with Rapsodie!
I have embarked on an exciting new journey with Rapsodie, the first-of-its-kind fantasy label game! As the Co-founder and CTO, I am diving into a world where technology and music blend seamlessly, creating a platform where players transform into virtual label managers. Our mission is to redefine the music and gaming landscape, offering a unique playground for discovering up-and-coming artists while building legendary music empires. We are not just creating a game; we are shaping a decentralized talent scouting platform that is as innovative as it is engaging.
Joining the band @Spotify CTRL team in Paris!
What a head start and a great opportunity to mix my passions to help artists in their creation process!
Just graduated with my PhD in Computer Science !
After three years of hard work, I finally did it: I defended my PhD thesis entitled "Surviving the massive proliferation of mobile malware" on December 8, 2020

Rapsodie is an immersive fantasy label game where players step into the shoes of virtual label managers, discovering up-and-coming artists and building their own music empires. It's a unique blend of music discovery and strategic gameplay, offering a dynamic platform to explore, engage, and rise in the music industry.
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Rapsodie got fundraised!
Joining the team as a CTO ! After 2 years of hard work, we finally got our first funding to develop our project.
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Joined Spotify
A new adventure as a Research Scientist in the CTRL team
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Gratuated with a PhD in Computer Science
One of the accomplishments I'm most proud of.
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Moved to Paris
Leaving Rennes after 6 student years in Brittany.
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Started freelance work
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First academic publication accepted at DAIS 2020
Really proud of having a first academic paper in an international conference in Computer Science